Our Prayer Shawl ministry has created a handy Pocket Prayer Shawl to provide feelings of comfort, support, and closeness to God for the recipient. As the name suggests, this is a miniature version of a prayer shawl that is small enough to fit inside of a pocket. As with all prayer shawls, the crafter infuses each stitch with a prayer or loving intention to provide love and goodwill to the person who will receive the small item. Pocket prayer shawls, also called prayer squares and prayer cloths, are small enough to be tucked into pockets, purses and even inside helmets. They can also be carried into surgery and taken on vacations.

Who might receive a pocket prayer shawl? Anyone who needs the comfort of a handmade item, perhaps someone who has had a recent loss or who is going through an illness.

Our prayer shawls are made with love by a team of Epiphany parishioners. Please feel free to take one. They are easily found near the front doors of the Narthex.

For more information, CONTACT Kathleen Schilling: and Helen Orzuchowski: