Epiphany has a comprehensive Adult Faith Formation for all ages. Every member of the church is a disciple, which means ‘learner’, and we believe that we are called upon to help one another grow deeper into our faith, and in relationship to Jesus.
We have three goals for the faith formation of our parishioners:
1. Invite and Enable Ongoing Conversion to Jesus in Holiness of Life.
2. Promote and Support Active Membership in the Christian Community.
3. Call and Prepare Adults to Act as Disciples in Mission to the World.
We offer many ongoing, series, and seasonal programs to accomplish these three goals.
Our Alpha Course program is offered regularly throughout the year as a tool to awaken the root desire of our hearts for a deeper relationship with God. It also builds community and provides a direct experience of the Holy Spirit.
Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church.
We offer an online weekly examination of Scripture in our Breaking Open the Word program, which illuminates the context and meaning of upcoming Sunday Mass readings.
Several times a year we provide a Bible Study series, which investigates and reveals both Old and New Testament books, helping participants to have a greater appreciation for the Word of God.
Every Advent, Lent and Easter season we provide special programs, which include presentations, talks, film programs, retreats, and prayer opportunities to enrich our journey together with the Lord.
Individual Spiritual Direction is offered all year round to all parishioners.
For more information, contact Tadhg Malone, Director of Faith Formation faithformation@epiphanychurch.nyc