Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Hades Town
Broadway showing of Hadestown, Walter Kerr theater 219 W 48th St, New York, NY 10036, $45 dollars per person. Leave deposit envelopes at the parish rectory with name, phone number, and seat deposit.
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
Bereavement Program
'Blessed Are Those Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact:
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Millenn-X Ministry Meeting
Did you ever have a print magazine subscription? If so, then chances are high that Millenn-X, Epiphany's ministry for people in their 30s-50s, is for you! We are kicking off 2025 with our first meeting of the year--Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 7pm in the Parish Hall Faith Formation room! (Enter through the red door on 2nd Avenue!). We will be reflecting on the new year and discuss setting spiritual goals for 2025! You will also get a special sneak peek of what we have planned for this ministry throughout this year. And if we have time left over at the end, hopefully we'll have a chance to enjoy some gaming time! Food will be provided, but if some of you can bring some drinks to share, it would be much appreciated!
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Celebrate the New Year with Mary, Jesus and the goodness of our great God!
New Year's Eve Midnight Mass
Ring in the New Year celebrating Mary, Jesus, and the goodness of our great God!
Christmas Day Mass
This will be our last Mass for Christmas. There will be no 7:30pm Mass today.
Christmas Mass at (yes) Midnight
Like days of old, we’re going to be celebrating Christmas Mass this year also at MIDNIGHT. This will be a very simple and gentle welcome for the newborn babe!
Christmas EVE Mass at 4pm
This Mass is traditionally for families, as they celebrate Christmas with a child-oriented Mass.
Meeting God in the Dark
Our Meeting God in the Dark will screen Our Meeting God in the Dark will screen MILLIONS, a film appropriate for the Advent season, about a faith-filled boy who looks to the saints to negotiate in a confusing world. Enoy the screening and discussion (with refreshments) afterwards in the parish hall.
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Gift Wrapping Party for SOUTH BRONX SANTA Gifts
Join your sisters and brothers in our parish hall for a ‘working party’ where we’ll wrap gifts for recipients of our SOUTH BRONX SANTA program. Lots of treats and drink and music will be supplied to keep the evening bright!
Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!
Reconciliation Monday
What a wonderful time to give yourself the gift of forgiveness! Visit our church from 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the celebration of Christmas
Longing for Light: An Advent Retreat
Spend an afternoon in our parish hall for guided prayer that will prepare us for the rebirth of Jesus into our lives! Oscar Cruz, former Director of the Catechumenate of the Archdiocese will lead us. A beautiful, intimate Mass will conclude the retreat.
Help us turn the lights on (101 TREES! on the plaza) to light up our neighborhood, and bring comfort to our homeless sisters and brothers. We’ll be helped by our special guest visitor—SANTA—who will happily visit with every child!
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Advent Adoration: Waiting with Mary and Joseph
Join us in our church for a beautiful Advent Adoration service, with reflection on the waiting that Mary and Joseph experienced in the months before the birth of Jesus.
Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!
DILEXIT NOS Encyclical Presentation
Pope Francis has released his fourth encyclical, Dilexit Nos (He Loved Us), focused on the human and divine love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. This document arises from the need for a world, amidst wars and imbalances, to recover "what is most important: the heart." Our evening will include a presentation in the parish hall about the encyclical, followed by a synodal-style conversation on its contents among participants at the event.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Join us for the Holy Day of Obligation for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Masses will be at 8:45am, 12:10pm and 5:30pm.
Installation of Christmas Forest on Plaza
Join us in setting up and decorating 101 TREES for our Christmas Forest of Love on the Epiphany plaza. We’ll start at 11am, fueled by Christmas music, lots of hot chocolate, donuts and other treats. Come, help us bring light to our neighborhood, and support for our homeless sisters and brothers!
Ceremony of Carols
Our Epiphany Community Choir and Children’s Choir invites you to a wonderful concert of Advent and Christmas music in our church. After the concert, enjoy a lovely reception of drink and hors d’oeuvres.
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!
At the beginning of each month, our 11am Family Mass is hosted by and for children from a different elementary school grade. A wonderful family faith formation (catechesis) follows after Mass in the parish hall, involving fun activities where children and their parents explore their faith (snacks included!).
Breaking Open the Word
Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at
Meeting God in the Dark
Our Meeting God in the Dark will screen Finding Joe, a documentary that explores mythologist Joseph Campbell’s idea of “the hero’s journey,” a fundamental story arc that is found in the stories told in every human civilization of every age—including the story of Jesus of Nazareth. The hero’s journey is a metaphor for the journey that each of us is invited – by God – to take. If we are to fully experience the life that God has given us, we must accept the call and the adventure that proceeds from our acceptance. Following the film we will share our reactions and express how the hero’s journey is a way of understanding our Christianity.