Upcoming Events


Upcoming Events 〰️

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a beautiful way to pray and contemplate God’s love through the Scriptures. Join us in this Epiphany40 Lenten event, and allow the Holy Spirit to invade your heart with consolation.

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Meeting God in the Dark

Meeting God in the Dark

Meeting God in the Dark is an ongoing series of screenings and discussions of films that have impactful spiritual messages. This event will complement your Epiphany40 Lenten journey, and will undoubtedly be used by the Holy Spirit to touch your heart.

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Taize Prayer Service

Taize Prayer Service

Taizé Prayer is a meditative, repetitive form of worship that combines prayer, song, and silence. It's practiced in many churches and is named after the ecumenical Christian community in Taizé, France.  Allow this beautiful prayer format to focus your Epiphany40 Lenten practice on the Lord’s love for you.

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Reconciliation Monday

Reconciliation Monday

As we near the great celebration of the Easter Resurrection of Jesus, it is a great time to encounter God’s love in this beautiful sacrament. We will have a marathon of reconciliation meetings from 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm. Come and enjoy your forgiveness!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Passover Seder Meal

Passover Seder Meal

Come to the celebration that Jesus and his disciples experienced at the Last Supper. All of our Jewish sisters and brothers, like Jesus, have celebrated their exodus from Egypt with songs, and food and prayer. This will be our final Epiphany40 event, just before Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil and Masses.

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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HUNGER SUNDAY foodmaking and distribution

HUNGER SUNDAY foodmaking and distribution

During Lent, it is especially important that we remember to serve one another. As part of our Epiphany40 program, you are invited to make and distribute lunch meals to our hungry sisters and brothers living on the streets of our neighborhood. It only takes 20 to 30 minutes of your Sunday, but you will be blessed, especially if you meet our friends on the streets.

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Freedom and Forgiveness, A Fresh Look at Reconciliation

Freedom and Forgiveness, A Fresh Look at Reconciliation

As part of your Epiphany40 journey, you are invited to a presentation entitled Freedom and Forgiveness, a ‘Fresh Look at Reconciliation’. Participants will learn new things about the beautiful gift of God’s loving forgiveness—and have a chance to see what it’s like on the other side of the confession screen!

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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You are invited to attend Mass at 8:45am and 12:10pm, or a prayer service at 6:30pm, all of which will include distribution of ashes. At 7:00pm come to our Epiphany40 PRAYER TASTING EVENT, which is designed to give you a ‘taste’ of up to eight different ways to pray during the next 40 days of Lent. We will have prayer stations all over the church, with leaders instructing you on the prayer technique and giving you a little experience of it.

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Bereavement Program

Bereavement Program

'Blessed Are Those  Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact: joe@epiphanychurch.nyc

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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Bereavement Program

Bereavement Program

'Blessed Are Those  Who Mourn, For They Shall Be Comforted" We provide an emotionally safe environment where those bereaved may express their grief without judgement. We provide care, comfort and support to individuals who are hurting from the passing of a loved one. for information contact: joe@epiphanychurch.nyc

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Breaking Open the Word

Breaking Open the Word

Spend an hour online with parishioners and Fr Austin Titus in reflecting on the upcoming readings for Saturday and Sunday Masses at Epiphany. When we break open the Word, we explore some of the historical, cultural and theological elements regarding the readings, and cosider what they might mean for us today. Join us on ZOOM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85429831679#

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Our weekly Connect Program provides a year-round engagement with peer parishioners who explore church teaching, theological perspectives, and spiritual traditions within the Church. A Connect meeting offers a delicious, free home-cooked meal, a presentation on faith formation, and a synodal discussion about the topic of the evening. You receive fellowship, learn more about your faith, and have the opportunity to experience the Holy Spirit working in the group!

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