Alpha is a unique “meet-you-where-you-are” course. Adults of any age or background can benefit from the relaxed atmosphere and low-pressure setting. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of our Christian faith, typically run over eleven weeks. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or belief in Christianity and everyone is welcome.

Each weekly Alpha meeting consists of

1) A delicious, home-cooked meal (and time to meet new friends),

2) Screening of a short film which looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

3) A wide-ranging non-judgmental discussion of the ideas and themes in the film. This is the moment when the Holy Spirit truly does its work on all the participants!

Young Adult Alpha

This Alpha is for people 18-40. These Young Adult Alphas have been our most successful to date at Epiphany, and they have helped create a truly dynamic and welcoming community of young adults at our church.

For more information about this next YA Alpha,



Our Adult Apha course is for people 40+. Adult Alphas at Epiphany have created deeper friendships and wonderful sharing of faith between diverse groups of people.