Epiphany40 Challenge is a transformative Lenten program offered by the Church of the Epiphany, inviting every parishioner to participate in a counter-cutural communal spiritual pilgrimage, replacing, over a 40 day journey with Jesus in the desert, superficial fulfillment with profound spiritual growth, much like Jesus' own path of sacrifice and love.

Core Components of Epiphany40 Challenge:

  1. Prayer and Spiritual Reflection:

    • Commit to daily prayer, incorporating the powerful practice of the Examen of St Ignatius, which involves reflecting on daily experiences to discern God's presence and guidance.

    • Attend Mass at least one additional day beyond Sundays to deepen one's sacramental life.

    • Participation in 6 weekly gatherings (Wednesdays, 6:30pm), organized by Epiphany for Lent, which will involve faith sharing and prayer and a Worship or Presentation Event

    • Commit to spiritual reading (books available in our spiritual library in the Narthex)

  2. Physical Challenges and Practices:

    • Prioritize a full night's sleep (8 hours) and establish a consistent weekly exercise regimen to honor the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (e.g. 30 minute daily walk or gym exercise).

    • Limit screen time on computers, phones, TVs, and tablets (beyond work requirements) and eliminate video games to foster mindfulness and intentional living.

    • Exclude soda, sweets, alcohol, and non-prescribed drugs to cultivate a singular relationship to the Divine Source that satisfies all our addictions.

    • Commit to eating a simple meal on Wednesdays (e.g. soup or rice and beans) as an act of solidarity and sacrifice with our impoverished sisters and brothers around the world.

    • Avoid consumerism by resisting unnecessary purchases, fostering contentment and gratitude for what one has.

    • Practice almsgiving: give money or food or your time and energy to those in need

  3. Community Engagement:

    • Engage in a weekly service project, serving the less fortunate and becoming a living testament to Christ's love and compassion.

    • Participate in fellowship opportunities, strengthening bonds within the Epiphany community and building a supportive network rooted in faith and love