Epiphany40 Challenge is a transformative Lenten program offered by the Church of the Epiphany, inviting every parishioner to participate in a counter-cutural communal spiritual pilgrimage, replacing, over a 40 day journey with Jesus in the desert, superficial fulfillment with profound spiritual growth, much like Jesus' own path of sacrifice and love.
Core Components of Epiphany40 Challenge:
Prayer and Spiritual Reflection:
Commit to daily prayer, incorporating the powerful practice of the Examen of St Ignatius, which involves reflecting on daily experiences to discern God's presence and guidance.
Attend Mass at least one additional day beyond Sundays to deepen one's sacramental life.
Participation in 6 weekly gatherings (Wednesdays, 6:30pm), organized by Epiphany for Lent, which will involve faith sharing and prayer and a Worship or Presentation Event
Commit to spiritual reading (books available in our spiritual library in the Narthex)
Physical Challenges and Practices:
Prioritize a full night's sleep (8 hours) and establish a consistent weekly exercise regimen to honor the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit (e.g. 30 minute daily walk or gym exercise).
Limit screen time on computers, phones, TVs, and tablets (beyond work requirements) and eliminate video games to foster mindfulness and intentional living.
Exclude soda, sweets, alcohol, and non-prescribed drugs to cultivate a singular relationship to the Divine Source that satisfies all our addictions.
Commit to eating a simple meal on Wednesdays (e.g. soup or rice and beans) as an act of solidarity and sacrifice with our impoverished sisters and brothers around the world.
Avoid consumerism by resisting unnecessary purchases, fostering contentment and gratitude for what one has.
Practice almsgiving: give money or food or your time and energy to those in need
Community Engagement:
Engage in a weekly service project, serving the less fortunate and becoming a living testament to Christ's love and compassion.
Participate in fellowship opportunities, strengthening bonds within the Epiphany community and building a supportive network rooted in faith and love