In a funeral liturgy, there are many opportunities for hymns to be played. The following hymns are be sung during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

  1. Opening Hymn

  2. Responsorial Psalm

  3. Offertory Hymn

  4. Communion Hymn

  5. Closing Hymn

instrumental or vocal music (classical, contemporary,...)
any of the songs listed below (sung or instrumental, sacred or secular)
This is a song that should be sung by the entire congregation

(click on name to listen to the music)

All Is Well with My Soul
"Alleluia, Alleluia" or "Joyful, Joyful" (HYMN TO JOY, Beethoven)
Amazing Grace
Be Not Afraid
Be Thou My Vision (Irish tune SLANE)
Be With Me, Lord (by Tom Booth)
Blest Are They
Christ Be Beside Me (Gaelic/Scottish tune BUNESSAN)
Christ In Me Arise (based on St. Patrick's Breastplate)
City of God
Come to the Water
Come to the Water/I Will Run to You (arr. Maher)
For the Beauty of the Earth
Go In Peace (Hart, Liles) 
God of Day and God of Darkness (Beach Spring hymn)
Here I Am, Lord (Schutte)
How Can I Keep from Singing
How Great Thou Art
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Duke Street hymn)
I Know That My Redeemer Lives (S. Soper)
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Irish tune ST. COLUMBA)
Let All Things Now Living (Welsh tune THE ASH GROVE)
Lord of All Hopefulness (Irish tune SLANE)
Morning Has Broken (Gaelic/Scottish tune BUNESSAN)
On Eagle's Wings
Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY, Beethoven)
Soon and Very Soon
When the Saints Go Marching In 

Oft-used psalms are listed.  Other psalms can be used.

Songs based on Psalm 23
Psalm 23 (by Sarah Hart) sung here by Ann Sager
Shepherd Me, O God (familiar call-and-response song)
I Shall Not Want (by Tom Booth)
Psalm 23 (Conry)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Crandal)
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Blakesley

Songs based on Psalm 25
I Lift Up My Soul (T. Manion) 
Remember Your Mercies, O Lord (Craig & Kristen Colsen)
To You, O Lord (T.R. Smith)
To You, O Lord (Owen Alstott)
To You, O Lord (M. Joncas)
To You, O Lord (S. Soper) 
Songs based on Psalm 27
The Goodness of the Lord (S. Soper) 
The Lord Is My Light (C. Walker)
The Lord Is My Light (R. DeBruyn)
The Lord Is My Light (J. Manibusan)
The Lord Is My Light (Angus McDonnell)
The Lord Is My Light (Haas)
The Lord Is Near/May the Angels (Joncas, Michael)

Songs based on Psalm 34
Taste and See (Angrisano)
Taste and See (John Michael Talbot)
Taste and See (Whitaker)
Taste and See (Hurd)
Taste and See (Dean)
Taste and See (Willcock)

Songs based on Psalm 63
My Soul is Thirsting (Angrisano)
My Soul is Thirsting (Joncas)

Songs based on Psalm 91
Be With Me, Lord (Haugen)
Be With Me, Lord (Tom Booth)
Be With Me, Lord (Sarah Hart)
Be With Me, Lord (Joncas)
Be With Me, Lord (Fisher)
Be With Me, Lord (Canedo)

Songs based on Psalm 116
In the Presence of God (Kendzia)

Songs based on Psalm 118
This is the Day (K. Keil)

Songs based on Psalm 126
God Has Done Great Things For Us (Haugen)


The "Celtic Alleluia" is well-known
Alstott's Alleluia from Respond & Acclaim is a simple refrain and verse

PRESENTATION OF GIFTS (used only in a Funeral Mass)
A short instrumental song is usually best at this point.

Prayer of St. Francis 

MASS ACCLAMATIONS (used only in a Funeral Mass)

Mass of Creation is well-known

Holy, Holy, Holy
all the acclamations

Mass of Renewal has gained popularity in the U.S.

Holy, Holy, Holy
Great Amen

Spoken, together with the congregation or

"The Lord's Prayer" by Malotte 

COMMUNION (used only in a Funeral Mass) 
(also see opening/closing or other lists)

Behold the Lamb (Willett)
Behold the Lamb of God (Dufford)
Bread for the World (Farrell)
Bread of Angels (C. Stephan)
Bread of Life (Fisher)
Bread of Life/Pan de Vida (Cortez)
Gift of Finest Wheat
God Will Wipe Away Every Tear (M. D. Ridge)
Here At This Table
I Am the Bread of Life (JM Talbot)
I Am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
In This Place (Thomson)
It Is Well with My Soul
Look Beyond
My Soul Is Thirsting (Angrisano)
O Sanctissima
O Taste and See (Haugen)
One Bread, One Body (Foley)
Our Blessing Cup (Joncas)
Prayer of St. Francis
Pan de Vida (Hurd/Moriarty)
Panis Angelicus (Franck) 
Psalm 23 (Conry)
Song of the Body of Christ (Haugen/Haas)
Table of Plenty
Taste and See (many settings)
Taste and See (Angrisano)
Taste and See (Hurd)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Ubi Caritas
Unless a Grain of Wheat (Hurd)
Vine and Branches (Thomson)
We Are Many Parts
We Are One Body (Scallon) (contemporary)
We Come Today (contemporary)
We Praise You
We Remember
You Are Our Living Bread


Traditional (with the ritual words, "May the choirs of angels...")
In Paradisum (Chant, Mode VII and Mode VIII)
Song of Farewell (Sands)
Song of Farewell (OLD HUNDREDTH)

Less Traditional
Carry Me Home (Modlin)
Irish Blessing (Fabing)
Go In Peace (Hart, Liles) 
Give Us Your Peace (Manibusan/Hart)
Go Forth, Christian Soul (T. Thomson)
Hosea  (Norbet, Gregory; Weston Priory)
May the Road Rise Up (Kendzia)
May You Walk with Christ (Dean, Stephen) 
O Loving God (to the tune of Danny Boy)
Song of Farewell (Schutte, Dan) 

This is a song that should be sung by the entire congregation.
(see opening/closing list above)

Here are some other popular suggestions for hymns for a funeral or memorial Mass:

  1. Alleluia, Sing to Jesus

  2. Amazing Grace

  3. As the Deer Longs

  4. Ave Maria

  5. Beautiful Savior

  6. Behold the Lamb

  7. Be Not Afraid

  8. Be Still My Soul

  9. Be Thou My Vision

  10. Bread of Angels

  11. Come To Me

  12. For the Beauty of the Earth

  13. Gift of Finest Wheat

  14. Here I Am, Lord

  15. Hosea

  16. Holy God We Praise Thy Name

  17. Holy, Holy, Holy

  18. How Great Thou Art

  19. I Am the Bread of Life

  20. I Am the Living Bread

  21. I Know that My Redeemer Lives

  22. I Sing the Mighty Power of God

  23. In Paradisum (chant for Commendation)

  24. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

  25. Let There Be Peace on Earth

  26. Lift High the Cross

  27. O God Beyond all Praising

  28. O God Our Help in Ages Past

  29. O Sacrament Most Holy

  30. On Eagles Wings

  31. One Bread, One Body

  32. One Love Released

  33. Panis Angelicus

  34. Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven

  35. Prayer of St. Francis

  36. Precious Lord, Take My Hand

  37. Seed, Scattered and Sown

  38. Shepherd of Souls ST AGNES C

  39. Softly and Tenderly

  40. Take and Eat (M. Joncas)

  41. Taste and See (J. Moore )

  42. The King of Love My Shepherd Is

  43. The Supper of the Lord

  44. The Strife Is O’er

  45. You Are Mine