Fr. Austin Titus, Pastor

Ms. Debbie Keogh, Director of Faith Formation

Dear Parents,

 Your role as Catholic parents is surely one of the most sacred, challenging and wonderful vocations that the Lord entrusts to His people. You brought your child2 to be baptized thus providing the opportunity to begin life as a disciple of Jesus in the Church. As your child   grows, you continue to nurture that  spiritual life.  You enable your child to live joyously in the Love of God made tangible by your own goodness and love. In the intimacy of family relationships, you teach the Catholic faith to your child every day by what you say and do – a profound and irreplaceable witness.

We in the Parish Religious Education Program, have also been given a sacred role by the Lord– that of Catechist for your child. We  welcome the opportunity to assist you in teaching your  child to walk in the ways of faith. We pledge all the resources of our program to helping your  child come to know and  better understand the person of Jesus Christ  who  so loves him/her.     We pledge to do all we can to help you instill Catholic beliefs and values so that your child may live in the joy of being Jesus’ disciple.

Our experience has shown us that this is most effectively accomplished when the family and the parish work together. The parents place Jesus Christ and His teachings at the center of their family life –-through Sunday Mass, family prayer, and daily life as disciples of Jesus. The Religious Education Program teaches the Catholic life which the child is living at home and experiencing in the Parish. The Parish supports and nurtures the parents and provides a “home-place” for the families who choose the Catholic way of life in a world that is increasingly lost without God and in need of the Truth that is Jesus.

May God bless us in the work of Catholic Education which we carry on together in His name.

1 For the sake of brevity, the word “parent” will be used to indicate the child’s primary caretaker, whether parent or guardian.

2 For the sake of brevity, the word “child” will be used to indicate children and youth up to 8th grade

Responsibilities of Parents


Parents have the primary and sacred responsibility to form their children in the Catholic faith and they do so in the following ways:

-       teaching their child to live a moral life according to the values and teachings of Jesus Christ and the teachings, laws and norms of the Catholic Church, realizing that the primary way parents teach this is by living it themselves;

-       attending Mass each Sunday with their child, thus instilling in them the conviction that weekly Mass attendance is essential to being a Catholic;

-       participating fully with their child in the parent preparation for the first reception of Penance, for First Communion, and for Confirmation.

-       ensuring that their child receives the Sacrament of Penance at least on once a year;

-       preparing their child for participation in Religious Education by fostering an openness and positive attitude toward the religious education which the child will be receiving;

-       fulfilling the requirements outlined in the Parent Handbook;

-       ensuring that their child arrives on time for the Religious Education session each week;

-       participating in their child’s faith formation by making use of the parent/family materials and the Archdiocesan Guidelines for Catechesis;

-         praying at home with the child, including the prayers to be memorized;

-       assisting their child with assigned at-home activities as needed.

-       Attending the 5 hours a year of family catechesis given by the Religious Education Program.


Responsibilities of the Child  

The obligations of children enrolled in the Program are:

-       living a moral life that reflects the values and teachings of Jesus Christ;

-       participating in the Parish Mass each Sunday;

-       receiving the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year;

-       following the teachings, laws, and norms of the Catholic Church;

-       attending the weekly Religious Education Sessions;

-       arriving on time each week for the Religious Education Session;

-  being well-prepared for each Religious Education session by having all assigned home projects completed satisfactorily;

-       memorizing all required prayers;

-       participating in class discussions and activities;

-       being attentive and respectful during sessions;

-       performing satisfactorily on assessments of the material taught in the sessions;

-       fulfilling all requirements of the Religious Education Program including appropriate dress.

Table of Contents


Overview of Parish Religious Education Program

Parish Religious Education Program Calendar                                                                          

Family Mass Schedule                                                                                                                 

Our Philosophy                                                                                                                            

Role of Parents                                                                                                                                

Registration and Placement

Registration Procedure                                                                                                           

Class Placement in the Program                                                                                                

Mass Attendance                                                                                                                           

Arrival, Lateness and Absences




Notification Procedure for Absence                                                                                               

Dismissal of an Individual before the End of the  Day’s Session                                               

Early Dismissal                                                                                                                                 



General Rules                                                                                                                                  

Communication with Parents

Emergency Cancellation of Program                                                                                              

Written Communications to Parents                                                                                            

Rights of Non-Custodial Parent                                                                                                     

Use of Social Networking Sites by Religious Education Program                                          

Cell Phones                                                                                                                                     

Table of Contents continued

Medication and Medical Emergency


Medical  Condition of Child                                                                                         

Medical Emergency Information                                                                                 


Preparation for the Sacraments                                                                                   


Holy Eucharist                                                                                                                


The Sponsor for Confirmation                                                                                     

Student  Preparation for Confirmation                                                                          

Demonstration of Readiness for Sacramental Reception                                        

The Religious Education Program

Archdiocesan Curriculum Guidelines                                                                         


Required Prayers                                                                                                           

Ongoing Formation                                                                                                       


Parish Religious Education

Program Calendar for 2019-2020


□   Program Session Dates:

Wednesdays Sept. 18 – May 27

Sundays Sept 22 – May 31


HOLIDAYS   (Wed) - Nov. 27, Dec. 18 & 25, Jan 1, Feb. 19, April 8 &15

(Sun) – Dec 1, Dec. 29, Jan 5, Feb 23, April 12 &19


□   Dates of Family Masses (see Family Mass Calendar)


Sessions of Immediate preparation to receive Sacraments


Parent sessions for each Sacrament: Confirmation – October 21, 2019 – 7:00pm

First Reconciliation – December 2, 2019 – 7:00 pm

First Communion – February 10, 2020 – 7:00 pm


□   Dates for the Reception of each Sacrament:

First Reconciliation              March 7, 2020

Communion Practice #1     April 22, 2020

Communion Practice #2     April 29, 2020

First Communion                 May 2, 2020

Confirmation Practice #1  May 12, 2020

Confirmation Practice #2  May 19, 2020

Confirmation                        May  30, 2020



□   Registration Date

Registration/Introductory meeting On September 15, 2019 to orient parents to the program and to their child’s curriculum for the year any other events or gatherings that the parents should attend.





2019-2020 CALENDAR


September 15- Registration & Orientation September 22 - 8th Grade Family Mass October 27 – 7th Grade Family Mass November 3 – 6th Grade Family Mass November 17 - Family Catechesis November 24 – 5th Grade Family Mass

December 14 – Family Retreat and Advent Activity January 12 – 4th Grade Family Mass

February 8 – Communion Family Workshop February 9 – 3rd Grade Family Mass

March 8 – 2nd Grade Family Mass March 21st – Confirmation Retreat March 22 – 1st Grade Family Workshop April 26 - Family Catechesis


**Every Family Mass will be held at 10:00 am followed by a reception in the Msgr. Farricker Hall immediately following the Mass. All are welcome!

**Please remember to bring a non-perishable food item to benefit the Sant’ Egidio Community Food Pantry. The children will have the opportunity to bring these to the Altar.


Suggested food items & Other necessities:

Coffee, tuna, cookies, small juices

Brown lunch bags, plastic sandwich bags Plastic spoons & forks, napkins

White socks

You will receive a calendar of events for the academic year, indicating when there are special Masses, Breakfast, activities and no classes. The full calendar will also be available on our website

A monthly calendar and additional messages will be sent home with the child, or by email and will be on the parish website. In addition, information is provided in the Sunday Bulletin and pulpit announcements.




“Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth; go, therefore,    and make disciples of all the nations. Baptize them  in the name of  the Father, and  of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.” Matt. 28: 18-20


Catechesis, or Religious Education, is the process of communicating the beliefs, values and practices which make people Catholic Christians. It is the work of handing on, from one generation to the next, the faith that has come down to  us  from the apostles, and the way of life to which that faith calls us.


The goal of Catechesis in Grades 1 through 8th is:


-              To Promote knowledge of the faith,

-              To Give Moral formation,

-              To provide liturgical education,

-              To teach to pray

-              To educate for community life

-              To initiate into the missionary dimension


The role of the Director1 of Religious Education and the Catechists is to provide intellectual enlightenment about the Catholic life which the child is already living at home and in the parish community, and to foster the child’s faith development by accomplishing the fundamental tasks of catechesis in an age-appropriate way.


For every person, religious education nourishes our minds and spirits throughout our lives as we mature from childhood to adulthood into that image of Christ which God created us to become. First grade is not too soon to instill in our children the understanding that Confirmation is not the end of Religious Education. Rather it is the sacrament which brings about our spiritual maturation and opens us to life- long learning about the way of Life of Jesus’ disciples in the Catholic Church.


1 For the sake of brevity, the title “Director” will be used to indicate both the Director /Coordinator of Faith Formation.



PRIEST: “You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training him/her in the practice of the faith. It will be

your duty to bring him/her up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are



PARENTS: “We do.” (Excerpt from the Rite of Baptism of an Infant)

The Catechetical Program is designed to assist parents in their sacred responsibility to educate their child in the Faith. It can never replace the parents in the carrying out of their responsibility.

It is essential to the child’s growth and development in the Catholic Faith, that the parents live the life of faith in the home. The effectiveness of the  catechetical process radically depends upon this.

The Pastor has responsibility for  the  Catechetical  Program  and  usually  entrusts the administration of the Catechetical Program to a parish Director or Coordinator   of Religious Education. The pastor has delegated his authority to her/him for the fulfillment of this responsibility. Therefore, communication with parents concerning the participation of their children in the Catechetical Program will ordinarily be done by the Director/Coordinator of  Religious  Education.  Parental  cooperation  with  the parish catechetical staff is essential not only when  a  problem  involving  the child arises, but at all times.

  Parents are also required to attend Family Catechesis sessions, as listed on  the calendar. Your participation in these events fosters a strong community of dedicated parents and strengthens our faith in Jesus as our risen Lord.

Parents are encouraged to attend the Alpha course, a unique way of exploring life’s big questions in a fun and exciting way. Alpha helps parents to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and in turn to participate more fully in the Church Community. For more information on Alpha go to



The Parish Catechetical Program is open to all children residing in the parishes of The Church of the Epiphany and Our Lady of the Scapular/St. Stephen’s or who attend the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary and are enrolled in either public or private schools. It is important that these children participate in this program so that they can obtain a formal education in the Catholic faith and also be prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.

A parent/guardian must register a child in person for the first time. Registration starts in the Fall. All new students must present their original Baptismal Certificate (and proof of any other sacraments received in the case of transfer students) at time of registration. Transfer students must also get a transcript from their former parish stating years attended and grade completed. Each year parents/guardians must re-register their children either by mailing in the registration or sending it in with the child.


Tuition fees are due at registration on Sunday, September 15th, 2019.


First Communion or Confirmation fees are due by November 15, 2019

Payment Plans are available upon request.

Please make checks payable to Church of The Epiphany




Children are expected to register for the Religious Education Program in the First Grade. Students preparing to receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation must complete two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament. Students are expected to continue with their religious instructions and complete all grade levels. Religious Education does not end with the Sacrament of Confirmation, we encourage participation in  Youth  Alpha  and our Youth Ministry Program.

Since each year’s curriculum is different, grade levels cannot be skipped. Children who ‘skip’ grades will have their reception of the sacraments delayed. Any student who did not re-register for one year will be handled on an individual basis.

Children who enter the Religious Education program when older may be placed in a special class until sufficient instruction is completed to bring them up to their proper grade level. The length and content of this instruction will be decided on an individual basis by the Director/Coordinator.



We expect children to attend Mass every Sunday with their families. Religious Education is not just about learning one’s faith. Equally important, and perhaps  more important, is living out one’s faith and participating in worship and  sacramental life of the Church.

Liturgical services are the occasion when we come together to pray as a community. They represent an important dimension of our program and parents are strongly encouraged to attend these services. Our Family Mass is at 10:00am, and in the Church Mass, the children will be invited to participate in the Liturgy of the Word and the Presentation of the Gifts






Parents assume full responsibility for the transportation of their children to and from the parish site where Religious Education sessions take place.




The Religious Education Sessions take place at the following times:

Grades 1-4 Wednesday - 3:30pm - 5:00 pm Grades 5 – 7 Sunday – 9:00am – 11:30 am

Supervision of the children will be provided beginning at 3:00 pm on Wednesdays and 8:50am on Sundays



Punctuality is essential. Children who arrive late not only miss important information but also disrupt the entire Religious Education session. The child should arrive no later than 3:15pm on Wednesday and on 8:55am Sundays.



The child’s regular attendance at the Religious Education  sessions  is  very important to his/her whole life. These 30 sessions should take priority over all other after-school or weekend programs and activities.

-              Three absences will necessitate a conference between the Director and the parent.

-              Four absences will result in the child having to make up the sessions. The number of make-up sessions will be determined by the Director and will be based on the number necessary for the child to be adequately taught the content of the textbook and the Archdiocesan Guidelines for his/her grade level.

-              Six absences may result in the repetition of the grade level.

-              In the case of a long-term illness confirmed by a doctor’s report, the Director and parent should make arrangements.


Notification Procedure

for Absence


When a child is to be absent from a program session, the parent must give the Director notification before the Religious Education Program begins. This should be done preferably by email or text, but a phone call is acceptable. Please notify Debbie Keogh at 212-475-1966 ext. 113 or email, if your child if going to be late or absent.

If the child is absent and the Director has not received previous notification, the Director will alert the parent by a telephone call as soon as attendance  is taken.  If the parent cannot be reached by phone, an email and/or text message  will be sent.    If the parent does not respond immediately, the Director will call the person designated as parent substitute on the Child Information Record submitted at Registration.

Dismissal of an Individual

before the End of the Day’s Session

If your child needs to be dismissed early, the request for this early dismissal should be  given  to the Director in writing by the  parent prior to the scheduled session.  This request should include:

-   the name of the person picking up the child,

-   the designated date and time,

-   the reason,

-   the signature of the parent.

The parent must come to the Parish Hall to pick up and sign out the child. The Director or appropriate adult will go to the session and walk the child out to meet the parent. For security reasons, the parent may not go directly to the session area.


Early Dismissal

of the Program

 The Religious Education Program will not have an early dismissal unless it is necessitated by an emergency. Parents will  be notified  of  the  emergency closure  of the program. See Communication with Parents.



Your child’s safety is a major concern to us and if there is any doubt about the identity of the adult coming to pick up your child, we will always take the necessary precautions.

A security person/parent volunteer will attend the entrance of the Parish Hall (interior doors), on Sunday and Wednesday class sessions.

No child should be on the parish premises before 3:00pm on Wednesday or 8:30am on Sundays, unless accompanied by an authorized adult. 

On arriving for Religious Education, the parent brings the child directly to the Parish Hall. At 3:20 pm the children will go into the Church for opening prayers and worship. Following this, the children will go with their Catechists to their teaching rooms for their regular class.

We ask that you pick up your child promptly. An adult will stay with any child who has not been picked up.

Please ensure that all contact details are up to date, so that we have the correct information to be able to reach parents/guardians or caregivers.


While classes are in session, adults or any unauthorized people may not enter the classrooms or school property above the first floor.


General Rules

No food or beverages are allowed in the teaching rooms. Children are permitted to bring and eat a snack from 3:00pm- 3:20pm in the Parish Hall. Once the children move to the Church and their respective classrooms, no food or beverages are permitted. No chewing gum is allowed in the building at any time.

It is important that your child arrives to class each week with their Religious Education book. There is a charge of $25 to replace a lost book.




Emergency Cancellations of Program

If a cancelation is necessary, due to emergencies such as dangerous weather parents will be notified via email.

Notification will also be posted on the parish website. (

Epiphany’s Religious Education Program will be closed for emergency weather if  the High School or public schools are closed.

In an emergency, the children will be taken to the following supervised “safe place” where parents can pick them up: The Parish Hall.


Written Communication

to Parents

All individual written communications to parents will come from the Director in hard copy and email.


Rights of

Non-custodial Parent

The Director should be informed in writing by the custodial parent of the rights of the non-custodial parent  to receive  duplicate sets of  progress  reports,  invitations  to religious education events, notices, calendars, etc. as these pertain to the child’s participation in the program. A copy of the appropriate section of  the  custody papers should be attached to the written statement.



Regarding the use of Social Networking Sites and all other electronic communication, the parish Religious Education Program follows the directives published by the Archdiocesan Safe-Environment Office ( – Safe Environment Resources – Facebook and Child Protection). These include the following:

-              There may be no private direct communication with a minor. All communications must be through parents.

-              There may be no photographs or videos of minors posted without the written permission of the parent.

-              There may be no photographs or videos of religious education personnel posted without the individual’s written permission.

-              With regard to a group photo or video, written permission must be given for every person in the photo/video.

-              There may be no contact information, or other personal information, of a minor or of religious education personnel posted without the written permission of the parent or Catechist/Director.

The written permission for all the above must be given directly to the Religious Education Director.


Cell Phones

The use of cell phones and other electronic devices by the child is not permitted during the Religious Education session unless this is directed by the Catechist as part of the educational process. 

Cell phones brought into the place of the Religious Education session should be turned off. Children in need of contacting a parent must ask the Catechist’s permission to go to the parish hall to place the call.

Cell phones are required to be turned off while the student is in class. Upper Grade phones will be collected during class.

Medication and

Medical Emergency


No medication of any kind (whether prescription or over the counter) will be administered to, or taken by, any child during the Religious Education Program.

In the event that a child has a condition for which emergency medication may be necessary, the parent must provide a written request and directives to the Religious Education Director.

Any emergency medication/medical device to be administered during the program according to the above directives must be brought by the parent to the Religious Education Office and should be administered there.


Medical Condition of Child

The parent should inform the Director about  any  child  who  has  special medication needs, a medical condition which could flare up in the session, or a medical condition which could affect the teaching/learning environment (e.g. allergies, asthma, auditory or visual impairment, possibility of seizures, learning disability, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, need for the epi-pen). This information is strictly confidential and will be used with the utmost discretion. The Director will ensure that the Catechist is informed.

A course of action in case of a flare-up is determined by the parent at the time of registration and put in writing.

The Child Information Record, completed by the parent at registration, contains the names and contact information for the people who must be contacted in case of emergency.

Medical Emergency Information

In the case of any medical emergency, 911 will immediately be called without exception.

A Child Information Record along with appropriate Medical Forms is filled out by the parent and kept on file in the Parish Religious Education Office. The parent must be careful to keep the information in these forms current. Any changes to the forms are made in writing and signed by the parent.




The preparation for and the celebration of a sacrament is a parish responsibility in which the family of the candidate has an essential role. This preparation is to take place in the parish in which the candidate’s family worships.

There are parents’ meetings for the first reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. These parent meetings are mandatory. If attendance at one of these parent meetings proves impossible send a guardian, (i.e. Grandparent, Aunt or Uncle). If this is not possible the parent must call prior to the meeting the Director/ Coordinator of Religious Education to arrange for an appointment.

Children must have two full years of instruction before receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Religious Education must be ongoing in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (see section on class placement).

For all Students in our Confirmation preparation class, a basic fact and information test will be administered during the program, in order to demonstrate the required level of understanding to progress within the sacramental prep class.


Catechesis for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) is normally to precede First Eucharist and continue throughout one’s Christian formation and life. Reconciliation is to be separate and distinct from preparation for the reception of First Eucharist so that the integrity of each sacrament is maintained. Children have the right to celebrate Reconciliation face to face or anonymously.

Parents/guardians are to be involved in the preparation of their children for Reconciliation by attendance at sacramental preparation meetings, reviewing sacramental material, format and prayer responses, and by respectfully attending services related to the sacrament including the sacramental celebration itself.

Cooperation of parents with us is mandatory. Respect for the celebration of a Sacrament is of foremost importance


“For the administration of the Most Holy Eucharist to children, it is required

that they have sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so as to understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity, and can receive the Body of the Lord with faith and devotion.” (Canon 913)

“It is the responsibility, in the first place of parents and those who take the place of parents as well as the pastor to see that children who have reached the use of reason are correctly prepared and are nourished by the divine food as early as possible, preceded by sacramental confession; it is also for the pastor to be vigilant lest any children come to the holy banquet who have not reached the  use of reason or whom he judges are not sufficiently disposed.” (Canon 914)

The child is to have a desire for the sacrament. The child is to be able to distinguish the Eucharist from ordinary bread. The child is to know who Jesus is and be aware of the principal events in His life, especially His death and resurrection. When properly prepared the child is to be invited to receive the Eucharist. (This reception is to be preceded by Sacrament of Reconciliation.)

 A child is to be enrolled in an ongoing parish or school Catechetical program at   least one year prior to entering into the immediate preparation program for First Eucharist. (Immediate preparation for First Eucharist begins with a specialized curriculum. The child must have completed two years of study in a program in order to fulfill the required instruction for First Holy Eucharist.)

Parents/Guardians have the right and duty to be directly involved in preparing their children for First Eucharist by attendance at sacramental preparation meetings, reviewing sacramental material, format and prayer responses with the child, and by attending services related to the sacrament including the sacramental celebration itself.


Confirmation is first and foremost a Sacrament of Initiation, i.e. a further incorporation after Baptism into the Christian Community 

“The sacrament of Confirmation impresses a character and by it the baptized, continuing on the path of Christian initiation, are enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound more perfectly to the church; it strengthens them and obliges them more firmly to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith.” (Canon 879) 

Canon 890 puts the obligation on shepherds of souls, especially pastors, to ensure that those to be confirmed are properly instructed.




“It is for the sponsor to see that the confirmed person acts as a true witness to Christ and faithfully fulfills the obligations connected with the sacrament.” (Canon 892)

The procedure of choosing the sponsor will be explained to the student early in the school year by the catechist. The following qualifications are necessary:

-   The Sponsor must have completed his/her fourteenth year.

-   The Sponsor must be a Catholic who has been confirmed, who has received the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, and who leads a life in harmony with the Faith and the role to be undertaken; i.e., be a practicing Catholic. (Canon 874 Art. 3)

-   The Sponsor is expected to receive the Eucharist at the Ceremony. This implies that if married, the sponsor is married in the Church.

-   Parents cannot be sponsors for their children.

-   If from another parish, the sponsor must bring a written statement from the pastor of their parish affirming that he/she is a practicing Catholic and qualified to be a Confirmation sponsor.

-   It is desirable that the Godparent (the candidate’s sponsor at Baptism) also be the sponsor for Confirmation since the responsibilities undertaken by the sponsor at Confirmation are a continuation and development of the sponsor’s promises made at the candidate’s Baptism. (Canon 693 Art. 2)

-   However, this not mandatory and someone other than a Baptismal Sponsor may be chosen.

-   A Confirmation Sponsor need not be of the same sex as the candidate.



Many students preparing for Confirmation in the Archdiocese of New York are either in Junior High or High School. This is an age at which a response indicating “proper disposition” should be expected before the reception of the sacrament.

The following guidelines for those asking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation have as their purpose to elicit proper dispositions and to  provide  opportunities  to the students to express these dispositions.

The candidate requests in writing the Sacrament of Confirmation and gives the reasons for this request. This is done in order to help the maturing student realize that Confirmation like every sacrament demands a personal faith response.




-   By regular participation in Sunday Mass

-   Reception of the sacrament includes a basic understanding of the Catholic Faith, the candidate must know their prayers orally and written.

-   By showing openness to grow in faith and Christian service.

-   By recognizing that he or she is a unique individual with gifts and is willing to share these with the community.

To help the candidate become better acquainted with the Saint chosen as a Confirmation name, each student will work on a small project in class on the life and qualities of that saint as well as on the reasons for the choice.

Every candidate participates in a retreat arranged by the parish as proximate preparation for the reception of the sacrament.

During each year of preparation for Confirmation, 20 hours, of voluntary Christian Service will be required. Each  candidate is expected to find ways to  serve others   for

which he/she receives no renumeration. This service is to be different from everyday chores. A form is to be given to each candidate on which the log of voluntary service is recorded. It will contain the date, time, service and the signature of the recipient of the service. Three areas that this service project will cover are Community, Parish and School. Suggestions for possible areas of service will be provided. Altar serving is a ministry of the Church and not considered community service.




Sequential Program

The essential Religious Education Program is an eight-year sequence of formation beginning with grade level 1 and continuing through grade level 8. All Catholic children of the parish who are not attending Catholic schools are expected to follow this 7-year program at this time.

The Religious Education Program consists in a minimum of 30 sessions, 90 minutes long, held between September and May.

All Students will receive a progress report designed to inform parents  of  their child’s progress in February 2020.




The Archdiocesan Guidelines for Catechesis for Grades 1 through 6 and Grades 7 and 8 ensure a uniform presentation of the faith for each grade level and outline the content of the catechesis each child is taught at every grade level. These Guidelines are to be found on the Catechetical Office website:



The Archdiocese of New York has published Guidelines for Catechesis which ensures a clear and uniform presentation of the faith for each grade level. These guidelines are implemented in all parish Religious Education Programs and parochial schools throughout the Archdiocese.

The following are the themes and objectives as stated in the Guidelines:






God is our Father and loves us. Jesus is the Son of God who tells us about our Father. The Holy Spirit helps us to be holy.

To develop an awareness of God who gives life and grace to us, the wonders of creation and the promise of eternal life


Jesus comes to nourish and strengthen God’s life, grace within us

To present Jesus as the model of Christian Living, and to introduce the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Eucharist. To present Jesus as the model of Christian Living, and to introduce the sacraments of Baptism, Penance and Eucharist


Jesus continues His Life and work through His Church

To deepen the child’s understanding of the Church and to help the child experience the Church as Christian community


As God’s people, we are called to live as Jesus did, choosing a life of love,

To help the children form their consciences according to the teachings of the Catholic

characterized by obedience to God and service to others.

Church, and to learn the basis of Christian morality especially as taught in the Old and New Testaments.


Through the Sacraments the Church celebrates the life-giving signs of Christ’s saving action in our lives.

To help the child become a conscious and active member of the Church through an appreciation and celebration of its sacramental life, and to experience and understand the rites of the Sacraments.


God’s saving actions are found throughout history. The Bible written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation.

To understand the Old Testament as the revelation of God in the history of a people,  a revelation fulfilled in the New Testament.


The growth and change experienced during adolescence are the unfolding of God’s plan for our development as fully Christian persons.

To develop a sense of self-worth and self- love nurtured and strengthened by a knowledge of God’s love. To develop the young adolescents’ self-confidence, thus enabling them to internalize their faith and take greater responsibility for personal choices.


The gospels reveal Jesus as the Savior and Risen Lord who calls us to advance the Kingdom of God through discipleship.


To broaden the young adolescent’s understanding of the Gospels through a study of their formation, themes, message and literary aspects. To help the young adolescent grow in a personal relationship with Jesus by encountering Him in the Gospels and learning to live His message. Jesus Christ is the Sacrament of God.


The mystery of Christ continues in the Church through the Sacraments which are the visible signs of the love and saving action of Jesus.


To help the young adolescent understand, appreciate, and celebrate the continuing presence and saving action of Jesus in the Church.


To lead the young adolescent to a full and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church.


Prayer is an expression of our awareness of and response to God’s

presence, goodness and saving power.


To assist the young adolescent to grow in a desire for and appreciation of prayer as integral to a full Christian life.


To help the young adolescent develop the ability to pray through the presentation and experience of a variety of prayer forms


Developing our relationships with others and with God is essential to our becoming our true selves.

To help the young adolescent understand the elements which are essential to developing positive relationships.


To help the young adolescent  understand that true community is built  on honest, loving and respectful relationships, and that Jesus is the role model for these relationships.


Jesus’ life and mission are continued through the Church, the community of believers who are called to be the sign of the Kingdom of God.


To deepen the young adolescent’s knowledge of the history of the Church. To lead the young adolescent to a fuller participation in the life and mission of the Church.


Through our relationship with Jesus, we grow in an ever-deepening awareness of who God is, who we are, and particularly how God calls us to live. Catholic Christian morality gives direction to our response to God’s call.


GRADE ONE                        Sign of the Cross. Our Father.

GRADES TWO & THREE Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary, Our Father and Act of Contrition and Glory Be

GRADES FOUR & FIVE     Hail Mary, Our Father, Act of Contrition (oral and


GRADES SIX-SEVEN         Sign of the Cross, Hail Mary, Our Father, Act of

Contrition (oral and written) Apostles Creed (fill in the blank)


It is the parents’ responsibility to help teach their children the traditional prayers of the Catholic Church- the Hail Mary, Our Father, Glory Be. Older Grades are expected to know the Act of Contrition, Creed both orally and written. Parents are also encouraged to help their children with the responses at Mass and to pray with their children regularly at home.



A child’s religious formation is not completed simply because he/she has been confirmed. A deep,  lasting relationship with God requires that each one continue    to learn both formally and informally the things of God and His Church during the whole of life.