


Liturgy means public service: in other words, that which we do publicly in service to God’s Church and God’s people. Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another.

Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries:

  • Welcome Ministers

  • Hospitality Ministers

  • Lectors

  • Eucharistic Ministers (Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion)

  • Altar Servers

  • Art and Environment Team

Hospitality Ministry

The adult men and women who make up the Hospitality Ministry are the “front line” people who provide a warm welcome to each person who arrives to participate in our communal Masses. Meeting arriving parishioners on the plaza or in the Narthex with a smile and genuinely spoken words of greeting sets the tone for the worship experience and can make people feel that they are invited, respected, and loved.  Entire families are also encouraged to participate in this ministry, which speaks to the family nature of our parish. Hospitality Ministers also staff our Welcome Desk in the Narthex, providing information about parish events and ministries, registering new parishioners, reserving Mass intentions and providing Mass cards, selling tickets for parish events, and many other services. A pleasant, outgoing personality is important for these ministers.

Their secondary responsibilities include directing group flow and movement, recruiting a family or group of individuals who will bring forth the bread and wine, taking up the collection, handling of food for the poor, handing out worship hymnals, parish bulletins or other material, assisting those who need special help, and answer questions.

Their ministry is scheduled on a set, bi-monthly basis. Ministry formation and training sessions are offered throughout the year with the expectation of regular attendance.

For more information about the Hospitality Ministry, CONTACT Nancy Benedetto


Lectors proclaim the Word of the God during the Liturgy and the General Intercessions on a set, bi- monthly schedule.  They also present the week’s announcements at the end of Mass. A lector must have a passion for Scripture; an ability to interpret and understand Scripture; and sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the assembly. In some ways their ministry is that of storyteller. Training in the specifics of the ministry is provided from time to time throughout the year.   Lectors for weekend and Holy Day Masses consist mainly of adults; school Masses have children serve as Lectors. Lectors are provided with a Lector Workbook to assist in their proclamation and pronunciation. Ministry formation and training sessions are offered throughout the year with the expectation of regular attendance.

For more information about Lector Ministry, CONTACT Myrma Barroso

Eucharistic Ministers

Lay women and men assist with the distribution of the Eucharist, sometimes under both species, at weekday, weekend and Holy Day Masses on a set, bi-monthly schedule. They are often called upon to set-up for Mass, and clean the vessels after they have been purified by the priest. Those who are called to this ministry must, above all else, know how to be truly present to others in the moment of ministering. Their reverence, respect and welcoming presence can provide a spiritual atmosphere for those receiving the Eucharist. They are brothers and sisters in this very body and blood they are sharing, and not only speak their own faith in saying "body of Christ," but they call forth the faith of the one receiving. They may also bring the Holy Eucharist to those who are homebound, in nursing homes or hospitals, or in prison. To be a Eucharistic Minister you must be a Roman Catholic, at least 16 years old, who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.  Ministry formation and training sessions are offered throughout the year with the expectation of regular attendance.

For more information about Eucharistic Ministry, CONTACT Joe Torre

Altar Servers

 This ministry is open to boys and girls who have made their First Communion and above. Altar servers serve at all weekend liturgies and special celebrations throughout the year, on a set, monthly schedule. The various tasks of an altar server usually include assisting with the book of prayers when the Presider reads from it, carrying various objects in procession, such as the processional cross and candles, and assisting in cleaning up after Mass. The main task of the server is to model liturgical prayer with grace and reverence and enter whole-heartedly into the public worship of the community. Altar servers are expected to be familiar with the ebb and flow of liturgy, to anticipate each movement, cue and need. Altar server training sessions are offered throughout the year with the expectation of regular attendance. Commitment for the entire year is expected.

For more information about Altar Servers, CONTACT Joe Torre

Art and

Environment Team

This team works behind the scenes to transform our Epiphany church environment to heighten the awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the different liturgical seasons. Their quiet presence is often unnoticed, yet the results of their labors are visible to all the parish community. A variety of helpers are needed to prepare a prayerful atmosphere in the worship space throughout the liturgical year. This includes:

  • Seasonal Decorating Crews - People are needed to arrange flowers and plants in the church and on our plaza, to iron and hang banners, and to place other items appropriate for the liturgical season or special liturgy in the church, the parish hall, and the plaza entrance of the church prior to major feasts and seasons such as Christmas and Easter. Seasonal decorating assistance is also necessary at the end of the major seasons to remove the décor and properly store it for the next year.

No experience is necessary. Helpers must enjoy working with others, be willing to accept direction, and be able to assist with moving, lifting, and preparing items to be placed in the environment.

  • Linens Crew - People are needed every week to launder and iron the linens used at Mass. Linens are typically taken home on Sunday or Monday, laundered, ironed, folded and returned by Wednesday or Thursday.

We also welcome artists of various medias to help envision new ideas and work on our various projects throughout the year.

For more information about the Art and Environment Team, CONTACT Joe Torre