When preparing a funeral plan, please use the suggestions following to compose the petitions. Intercessions should include:

·       one for the deceased

·       one for grieving family and friends

·       one for loved ones who have gone before

·       1-3 for other pertinent concerns (e.g. the church, the world, care-givers, special interests, others suffering with the same condition, etc.)

. particular petitions related to your family or the deceased

SUGGESTED PETITIONS (Choose as directed from each category.)


I.                              FOR THE DECEASED:


1.          In Baptism,                      received the light of Christ. Scatter the darkness now and lead him/her over the waters of death...we pray:

2.          For                     who received the light of Christ in Baptism, that he/she may live among the saints…we pray:

3.          For                      who was given the promise of eternal life in Baptism; may Christ continue to love him/her into eternal life and grant him/her

perfect peace...we pray:

4.          Our brother/sister                    was nourished at the table of the Savior. Welcome him/her into the halls of the heavenly banquet...we pray:

5.                               ate the bread of eternal life, the Body of Christ, which was his/her strength; raise him/her up, O Lord…we pray:

6.          For                     . May he/she experience the joy of Christ in his/her risen life...we pray:

7.          In thanksgiving for the freedom from pain, and the joy which                      is now experiencing in the presence of the God who continues to

love him/her into life...we pray:

8.          For                     and his/her family, beloved of God, that he/she be held securely in God’s embrace, now and for all eternity...we pray:

9.          In thanksgiving for the life of quiet generosity which                        so selflessly gave to his/her husband/wife/family, we pray:

10.    Because we believe                      now enjoys the fullness of life in God’s presence ...we pray:

11.    For the realization that                      now shares fullness of life with his/her son/daughter,         , and with all his/her relatives and friends who

have gone before him, ...we pray:

II.                           FOR GRIEVING FAMILY / FRIENDS:


1.          For us who mourn                     ’s death, that God will fill us with the peace he/she now enjoys...we pray:

2.          For                     ’s family and friends, that they be consoled in their grief and be comforted by Christ...we pray:

3.          For                 ’s family and friends who seek comfort and consolation; heal their pain and dispel the darkness and doubt that come from

grief…we pray:

4.          For                 ’s family and friends, especially                      , that Christ may console them in their grief...we pray:

5.          For                 ’s family, that our tears for him/her may be turned into dancing in the knowledge that he/she is now with the Lord...we pray:

6.          For all of us gathered here to worship in faith…; send Your Spirit, the Comforter, upon us that we may be strengthened to walk in faith and

hope, and live with you till the end of time…we pray:

7.          For                      ’s family and all who mourn his/her death; may this time of grief pass gently on its way and may beautiful memories remain

as precious keepsakes...we pray:

8.          For the resolution of conflicts in all families…we pray:

9.          For                     ’s family and all who mourn his/her death…. (pause); may we feel the healing power of Christ in the midst of our grief…we


10.    For                     ’s loved ones and all who experience the tragedy of sudden or multiple losses…(pause); may the grace of God’s love sustain

them in harmony and peace, ...we pray:

III.                        FOR LOVED ONES GONE BEFORE:


1.          For (name family member/s; i.e. husband/wife, son/daughter, sister/brother, etc.) who proceeded him/her in death; may they all welcome him/her

home into the fullness of a life that never ends...we pray:

2.          Many family members and friends have gone before us and await the Kingdom. Grant them an everlasting home with your Son...we pray:

3.          For our deceased relatives and friends and for all who have supported and guided us, that they may have the reward of their goodness…we


4.          For our loved ones who have fallen asleep in the hope of rising again, especially …, that they may see God face to face…we pray:

5.          Those who trusted in the Lord now sleep in the Lord. Give refreshment, rest, and peace to all whose faith is known to you alone…we pray:

6.          For                       ’s loved ones who preceded him/her in death, may they welcome him/her in heaven with open arms...we pray:

7.          For our loved ones who have gone before us, especially                     ; grant them an everlasting home with Your Son, Jesus...we pray:

8.          For                 ’s parents and relatives who have gone before him/her and now welcome him/her home, especially      we pray:



1.          For our church, government, and our military men and women, who are serving to maintain our freedom from oppression...we pray:

2.          For all those who have served or are currently serving in the military… may those who place their lives on the line for others return home

safely…we pray:

3.          For all those who have served or are currently serving in the military, the police, and all who work for public safety… may those who place

their lives on the line for others be kept safe…we pray:

V.                          FOR CAREGIVERS, MEDICAL SUPPORT, SICK:


1.          For all those who cared for (name of deceased) in the final weeks/months of his/her life, and for those who lovingly supported his/her family

with prayers and numerous acts of kindness...we pray:

2.          For those who serve us in the medical profession, especially Hosparus caregivers, that they may experience God’s presence in their

work...we pray:

3.          For those who so generously care for the sad, sick and lonely...we pray:

4.          For nurses and all healthcare professionals… (pause); may they allow God’s healing touch to work through them...we pray:

5.          For all caregivers and healthcare professionals … (pause); may they allow God’s healing touch to work through them, we pray:

6.          For all who suffer mental, emotional, spiritual and physical infirmities...we pray:

7.          For all those like                      who generously and selflessly care for others…we pray:

8.          For all who are suffering with Alzheimer’s/dementia and for their families and caregivers… (pause); may they find the strength and support

they need, we pray:

9.          For those who are living with life threatening illnesses, especially cancer, that they may feel the peace and love of Christ...we pray:

10.    For the sincere dedication of those working towards cures for AIDS, cancer and other debilitating diseases...we pray: For the sick in our

family, may God walk alongside them and give them strength and perseverance through their adversities...we pray:

11.    For the sick in our family… (pause); may God walk alongside them and give them strength and perseverance through their adversities, we pray:

12.    For all who suffer in mind or body… (pause); may they realize that God is always with them, we pray:

13.    In this time of great grief, we pray in gratitude for those who have lightened our burdens by offering support and sharing memories…we pray:



VI.                      FOR CHURCH, WORLD, OTHER INTERESTS:


1.          For the church and her leaders that the Risen Christ may continue to shepherd us...we pray:

2.          That bishops, priests, deacons and all who preach the gospel may be given the strength to express in action the word they proclaim...we


3.          For the Church and its members, that we may live with deep faith in the Resurrection of Jesus and in our own Resurrection...we pray:

4.          For all those suffering loss from natural disasters, that Christ, Our Healer may accompany all as they begin life a new...we pray:

5.          For an end to all violence...(pause); may all people be treated with respect, and all conflicts be resolved peaceably, we pray:

6.          That the world experience God’s peace and love...we pray:

7.          Many people die by violence, war and famine each day. Show your mercy to those who suffer so unjustly these sins against your love

and gather them to the eternal kingdom of peace...we pray:

8.          For all of the creatures with whom we share this planet…(pause); may all the gifts of creation be treasured and safeguarded...we pray:

9.          For all those who are hurting, hungry, homeless, in need of medical care, or seeking a stronger spiritual relationship with God...we pray:

10.    For peace, that it begin in each heart and radiate throughout the world…we pray:

11.    In gratitude for all who have traveled great distances to honor                     ’s memory and for their safe return...we pray:

12.    For the gift of         ’s ready wit and keen mind...we pray:

13.    In gratitude for the faithful love and joy which he/she brought to his/her many years of marriage, we pray:

14.    For the gifts of continued family closeness even in difficult times...we pray:

15.   For the sharing of memories and giftedness in the midst of our grieving...we pray:

16.  For all those gathered here today and for people everywhere who respect the difference between good and bad; for those who are

committed to doing the right thing, even when no one is watching; for those who are kind, generous, caring, humble, reliable,

trustworthy and loyal...we pray: